My shame

(I know that the subject matter I wrote here is very serious and may be uncomfortable for some. I have never experienced this type of abuse, but I was inspired to write it none the less.)

He stood above me so innocently as I lay underneath covers.
Mom was gone and we were here together.
My heart raced a million times before he told me "Don't be scared".

He had been waiting for this moment ever since I turned sixteen.
I could feel his excitement as he pressed his body against me.

Outside my body I looked at me in shame and wondered "Why me?"
I didn't ask for this. Why was he hurting me?

Just as he began to make his move, There she was in tears.
My mom had come home early and found us nearly naked.

My shame was now her shame.


  1. WOW, I had chills down my body. This is a sad situation and sadly it does exist. We need to make people not feel ashamed when this happens to them and for them to realize the real person who should be ashamed is the abuser. Nicely done for a situation so difficult to write about!

  2. Tough subject. We seem to take on other's shame.

  3. Stephanie you really turn the knife in your wonderful writing. A terrifying piece.

  4. Thank you guys for the comments :)This was tough to write,but I felt that it needed to escape my mind.

  5. Well done.

    It is interesting that shame doesn't belong to just one person.

  6. She was lucky he waited until she was 16, some don't and some are not so lucky. I want to know more about how Mum handled it. Shame all around.

  7. Oh, if ONLY more were discovered like this before the abuse takes place. That ending line is so true. Too often moms look away, knowing "Something is not right in the marriage." I am not blaming all moms. it's a sad fact. On my blog is "Stop Child Abuse Now" activist ribbon in the sidebar.

    Your fictional piece is a powerful message. The 16 yr old needn't to TELL A TRUSTED PERSON OR A STRANGER if no one else available, what she suspected long before now. Too many hold it in (molestation, abuse of any type), out of fear of death or shame, but kids CAN be saved by teachers, neighbors, friends, clergy, social services.

  8. Hi Steph,

    seems the character have been abused by a stepfather or maybe her own father...

    again, another portrayal of the harsh realities in life...:)

    please drop by my site, too...


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